
HiPEAC CSW – Session Report „Towards Portable Libraries for Hybrid Systems“

About 30 attendees took the chance brainstorm about how future library concepts for such heterogeneous systems could look like. The session “Towards Portable Libraries for Hybrid Systems” organized by Christian Brugger and Dr. Christian De Schryver from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, was about current challenges and feasible approaches for bundling hardware and software parts with the required interconnect and runtime environment in a library that runs on a wide range of compute platforms. Renowned experts from compiler architecture, platform design, and reconfigurable computing were invited to give short kick-off talks. The moderator of the session, Christian Brugger, highly encouraged all attendees to contribute their own thoughts.
The organizers would like to thank all speakers (Dr. Paolo Burgio, Prof. Jeronimo Castrillion, Prof. Manuel Carro, Prof. Ioannis Sourdis) for their valuable talks and the complete audience for this lively and fruitful brainstorming event.
