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Design and Implementation of a Modular Sensor Node System Based on the Smart Home Standard Matter
Type of work:
In this work, an open, flexible smart home system based on the new smart home standard "Matter" shall be implemented and evaluated. The sensor nodes to be developed should offer a high degree of flexibility in terms of the sensors and buses that can be connected. The system shall be built entirely on Matter and also contain a Matter bridge. If possible, a free smart home broker such as ioBroker or openHAB shall be used. All Matter components developed shall be integrated into a Matter-based, commercial environment such as Google Home or Apple HomeKit and evaluated in conjunction with commercial Matter-enabled smart home components.
- C/C++ programming skills
- Network and bus technologies
- Python skills
Currently, smart home systems become more and more popular. However, many systems are proprietary and cannot be combined with components from other vendors. Matter is a new, vendor independent, and open standard for smart home applications based on modern technologies like IPv6, Ethernet, WiFi, and Thread/Zigbee. With matter, cost-efficient and vendor independent smart home systems become available. A major challenge for many users are complex rule sets for implementing specific functions. With standard applications like monitoring or access systems available, those can be easily adopted in vendor independent systems.
Lars Schumann