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- Plasmonic Metamaterials at Terahertz Frequencies
Dr. Hut Verlag, München (2010), ISBN: 978-3-86853-729-1 - Numerische Modellierung, experimenteller Aufbau und optische Charakterisierung eines spektral weit abstimmbaren, einfrequenten optisch parametrischen Generators mit self-injection seeding
M. Rahm
Cuvillier Verlag, Goettingen (2006), ISBN-10: 3865377777, ISBN-13: 978-3-86537-777-7
[abstract] [contents] [excerpt]
- Der unsichtbare Mensch
Interview im “Zeit Wissen”-Magazin, Ausgabe Nr. 6, 2015
- Wandelbare Lichtlenker - Optische Komponenten aus Designer-Werkstoffen ändern ihre Eigenschaften auf Knopfdruck (Von Ralf Krauter)
Forschung Aktuell
Deutschlandfunk (broadcasted on July 16 2008, 16:45 MESZ)
- Continuous beam steering with a varactor-based reconfigurable intelligent surface in the Ka-band at 31 GHz
Alexander Wolff, Lars Franke, Steffen Klingel, Janis Krieger, Lukas Mueller, Ralf Stemler & Marco Rahm
J. Appl. Phys. 134, 114502 (2023)
- Semi-analytic model for the calculation of large-angle bending of electrostatically actuated cantilevers
Sokoluk, D.; Kappa, J. & Rahm, M.
Engineering Research Express, IOP Publishing, 2020, 2, 035012
- Routing of strongly confined terahertz spoof surface plasmon polaritons on metasurfaces along straight and curved pathways with subwavelength width,
S. Becker, T. Fip, and M. Rahm
Opt. Express 28, 6766 (2020)
- Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator Based on an Electrostatically Tunable Array of Large Micromirrors
J. Kappa, D. Sokoluk, S. Klingel, C. Shemelya, E. Oesterschulze, and M. Rahm
Proceedings International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves IRMMW 44, 8874286 (2019)
- Spintronic THz Generation Using a Silicon-based Fe/Pt Bilayer as the Radiation Source
Valynn Katrine Mag-usara, Garik Torosyan, Miezel Talara, Jessica Afalla, Joselito Muldera, Hideaki Kitahara, Laura Scheuer, Dominik Sokoluk, Evan-gelos Th. Papaioannou, Marco Rahm, René Beigang, and Masahiko Tan
Proceedings International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves IRMMW 44, 8873854 (2019)
- Terahertz spatial light modulator with more than 1 THz working range
J. Kappa; D. Sokoluk; S. Klingel; C. Shemelya; E. Oesterschulze; M. Rahm
Proceedings SPIE Volume 11124, Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications X; 111240W (6 September 2019)
- Modification of spintronic terahertz emitter performance through defect engineering
Dennis M. Nenno, Laura Scheuer, Dominik Sokoluk, Sascha Keller, Garik Torosyan, Alexander Brodyanski, Jörg Lösch, Marco Battiato, Marco Rahm, Rolf H. Binder, Hans C. Schneider, René Beigang & Evangelos Th. Papaioannou
Scientific Reports Volume 9, 13348 (2019)
- Analysis and experimental investigation of a subwavelength phased parallel-plate waveguide array for manipulation of electromagnetic waves
Dominic Palm, Zinching Dang and Marco Rahm
Scientific Reports Volume 9, Article number: 10792 (2019)
- Analysis of coding metasurfaces for incident radiation at oblique incidence angles
Jan Kappa, Zinching Dang, Dominik Sokoluk, and Marco Rahm
OSA Continuum, Volume 2, Issue 7, pp 2172-2190 (2019)
Efficient terahertz generation using Fe/Pt spintronic emitters pumped at different wavelength
Beigang, R, Papaioannou, E.T, Scheuer, L. Keller, S, Torosyan, G, Rahm, M, Sokoluk, D, Talara, M, Oda, Y, Kitahara, H, Afalla, J, Mag-Usara, V.K, Tani, M.
Efficient and Compact Near-Field Coupled Hybrid Antenna Using a Single Radiating Subwavelength Split-Ring Resonator
Z. Dang, M. RahmElectronics 8, 527 (2019)
Elecrically Reconfigurable Micromirror Array for Direct Spatial Light Modulation of Terahertz Waves over a Bandwidth Wider Than 1THz
J. Kappa, D. Sokoluk, S. Klingel, C. Shemelya, E.Oesterschulze and M.Rahm
Scientific Reports Volume 9, Article number: 2597 (2019)- Confined terahertz surface waves on meta-surfaces and Goubau lines
S. Becker, T. Fip, C. Shemelya, M. Rahm
Proc. SPIE 10719, Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2018, 107191H (19 September 2018)
- Analysis of tuning methods in semiconductor frequency-selective surfaces
C. Shemelya, D. Palm, T. Fip, M. Rahm
Proc. SPIE 10103, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications X, 1010315 (24 February 2017)
- Electromagnetic behavior of spatial terahertz wave modulators based on reconfigurable micromirror gratings in Littrow configuration
J. Kappa, K.M. Schmitt, M. Rahm
Opt. Express, Vol. 25, pp. 20850-20859 (2017)
- Evaluation of the impact of diffraction on image reconstruction in single-pixel imaging systems
K. M. Schmitt, M. RahmOpt. Express 24, 23863 (2016)
- Terahertz sensing with waveguides
M. Gerhard, R. Beigang, M. Rahm
Proc. SPIE 9854, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications III, 98540Q (May 26, 2016)
- Comparative Terahertz Study of Rectangular Metal Waveguides With and Without a Ridge
M. Gerhard, R. Beigang and M. Rahm
Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 36, 327-334 (2015)
- Terahertz time domain spectroscopy for carrier lifetime mapping in the picosecond to microsecond regime
Jens Neu and Marco Rahm
Opt. Express, Vol. 23, pp 12900-12909(2015)
- Terahertz Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on a hollow-core- metallic ridge waveguide
M. Gerhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Applied Physics Letters 106, 171112 (2015)
- Optical tuning of ultra-thin, silicon-based flexible metamaterial membranes in the terahertz regime
Michael A. Hoeh, Jens Neu, Klemens Schmitt and Marco Rahm
Optical Materials Express, Vol. 5, Issue2, pp. 408-415 (2015)
- Towards loss compensated and lasing terahertz metamaterials based on optically pumped graphene
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, and M. Rahm
Opt. Express 22, 8473 (2014)
- Terahertz sensing with meta-surfaces and integrated circuits
B. Reinhard, K. Schmitt, T. Fip, M. Volk, J. Neu, A.-K. Mahro, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Proc. SPIE, Terahertz and Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses for Biomedical Applications, 8585:858507, 2013
- Metamaterial-based gradient index beam steerers for terahertz radiation
J. Neu, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Appl. Phys. Lett., 103:041109, 2013
- In-plane focusing of terahertz surface waves on a gradient index metamaterial film
M. F. Volk, B. Reinhard, J. Neu, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Opt. Lett., 38:2156, 2013
- THz wave modulators: A brief review on different modulation techniques (invited review article)
M. Rahm, J.-S. Li, and W. J. Padilla
J. Infrared Milli Terahz Waves, 34:1, 2013
- Metamaterial-based photonic devices for terahertz technology (invited review article)
B. Reinhard, O. Paul, and M. Rahm
IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quant. Electron., 19.8500912, 2013
- Spectrally Wide-Band Terahertz Wave Modulator Based on Optically Tuned Graphene
P. Weis, J.L. Garcia-Pomar, M. Hoeh, B. Reinhard, A. Brodyanski, and M. Rahm
ACS Nano 6, 9118 (2012)
- Metamaterial-based photonic devices for terahertz technology (invited review article)
B. Reinhard, O.Paul, and M. Rahm
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,
DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2012.2203107 (2012) published online
- Metamaterial near-field sensor for deep-subwavelength thickness measurements and sensitive refractometry in the terahertz frequency range
B. Reinhard, K. M. Schmitt, V. Wollrab, J. Neu, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 221101 (2012)
- Construction of invisibility cloaks of arbitrary shape and size using planar layers of metamaterials
O. Paul, Y. Urzhumov, C. Elsen, D. R. Smith, and M. Rahm
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 123106 (2012)
- Covariant description of transformation optics in nonlinear media
O. Paul, and M.Rahm
Opt. Express 20, 8982 (2012)
- Hybridization Induced Transparency in composites of metamaterials and atomic media
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Opt. Express 19, 23573 (2011)
- Bound terahertz waves on meta-surfaces and active metamaterials
J. L. Garcia-Pomar, B. Reinhard, J. Neu, V. Wollrab, O. Paul, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
- Metamaterial-based gradient index lens with strong focusing in the THz frequency range
J. Neu*, B. Krolla*, O. Paul, B. Reinhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Opt. Express 18, 27748 (2010)
*These authors contributed equally to this work!
The paper was highlighted in the journal "Laser Focus World"(→ Laser Focus World Article)
- Gradient Index Metamaterial Based on Slot Elements
O. Paul, B. Reinhard, B. Krolla, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 241110 (2010)
- Experimental and numerical studies of terahertz surface waves on a thin metamaterial film
B. Reinhard, O. Paul, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Opt. Lett. 35, 1320 (2010)
- Comment on "Superwide-band negative refraction of a symmetrical E-shaped metamaterial with two electromagnetic resonances"
O. Paul, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Phys. Rev. E 81, 04860 (2010)
- Zwischen Mikrowellen und Infrarot. Terahertz-Wellen
M. Theuer, D. Molter, M. Rahm, and R. Beigang
Physik in unserer Zeit 40, 296 (2009)
- Strongly birefringent metamaterials as negative index terahertz wave plates
P. Weis, O. Paul, C. Imhof, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Appl. Phys. Lett.95, 171104 (2009)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Highly selective terahertz bandpass filters based on trapped mode excitation
O. Paul, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Opt. Express 17, 18590 (2009)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Polarization-independent active metamaterial for high-frequency terahertz modulation
O. Paul, C. Imhof, B. Laegel, S. Wolff, J. Heinrich, S. Hoefling, A. Forchel, R. Zengerle, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Opt. Express 17, 819 (2009)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Material parameters and vector scaling in transformation acoustics
S. A. Cummer, M. Rahm, and D. Schurig
New J. Phys. 10, 115025 (2008)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Transformation-optical design of sharp waveguide bends and corners
D. A. Roberts, M. Rahm, J. B. Pendry, D. R. Smith
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 251111 (2008)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Transformation-optical design of adaptive beam bends and beam expanders
M. Rahm, D. A. Roberts, J. B. Pendry, D. R. Smith
Opt. Express 16, 11555 (2008)
- Optical design of reflectionless complex media by finite embedded coordinate transformations
M. Rahm, S. A. Cummer, D. Schurig, J. B. Pendry, D. R. Smith
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 063903 (2008), preprint: arXiv:0711.1846 (November 2007)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Scattering theory derivation of a 3D acoustic cloaking shell
S. A. Cummer, B.-I. Popa, D. Schurig, D. R. Smith, J. B. Pendry, M. Rahm, A. Starr
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 024301 (2008)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Optical design of reflectionless complex media by finite embedded coordinate transformations
M. Rahm, S. A. Cummer, D. Schurig, J. B. Pendry, D. R. Smith
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 063903 (2008), preprint: arXiv:0711.1846 (November 2007)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Design of electromagnetic cloaks and concentrators using form-invariant coordinate transformations of Maxwell's equations
M. Rahm, D. Schurig, D. A. Roberts, S. A. Cummer, D. R. Smith, J. B. Pendry
Photon. Nanostruct.: Fundam. Applic. 6, 87 (2008), doi:10.1016/j.photonics.2007.07.013, preprint: arXiv:0706.2452 (June 2007)
[abstract] [pdf] [arxiv-pdf]
- Widely tunable narrow-linewidth nanosecond optical parametric generator with self-injection seeding
M. Rahm, G. Anstett, J. Bartschke, T. Bauer, R. Beigang and R. Wallenstein
Appl. Phys. B 79, 535 (2004)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Pulsed nanosecond optical parametric generator based on periodically poled lithium niobate
U. Baeder, T. Mattern, T. Bauer, J. Bartschke, M. Rahm, A. Borsutzky and R. Wallenstein
Opt. Commun. 217, 375 (2003)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Pulse-to-pulse wavelength tuning of an injection seeded nanosecond optical parametric generator with 10 kHz repetition rate
M. Rahm, U. Baeder, G. Anstett, J.-P. Meyn, R. Wallenstein and A. Borsutzky
Appl. Phys. B 75, 47 (2002)
[abstract] [pdf]
- Machine Learning-Assisted Multi-User Frequency Selective Beam Steering with a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface in the Ka-Band
Alexander Wolff, Lukas Müller, Steffen Klingel, Janis Krieger, Lars Franke, Ralf Stemler & Marco Rahm
Proceedings International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves IRMMW-THz 49, 10697782 (2024)
- MEMS-Integrated Metasurface for Real-Time Manipulation of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons
Lars Franke, Steffen Klingel, Artur Grylla & Marco Rahm
Proceedings International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves IRMMW-THz 49, 10697726 (2024)
- Continuous Asymmetric Beam Steering with a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface in the Ka-Band at 31 GHz
Alexander Wolff, Lars Franke, Steffen Klingel, Janis Krieger, Lukas Mueller, Ralf Stemler & Marco Rahm
Proceedings International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves IRMMW-THz 48, 10298965 (2023)
- Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator Based On An Electrostatically Tunable Array of Large Micromirrors (Keynote Presentation)
Jan Kappa, Dominik Sokoluk, Steffen Klingel, Corey Shemelya, Egbert Oesterschulze and Marco Rahm
44th Internation Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2019, Paris (France)
- Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator based on Electrically Reconfigurable Reflection Gratings (Poster Presentation)
Jan Kappa, Dominik Sokoluk, Steffen Klingel, Corey Shemelya, Egbert Oesterschulze and Marco Rahm
French-German Terahertz Conference (FGTC) 2019, Kaiserslautern (Germany)
- Terahertz Spatial Light Modulator based on Electrically Reconfigurable Reflection Gratings (Invited Talk)
Jan Kappa, Dominik Sokoluk, Steffen Klingel, Corey Shemelya, Egbert Oesterschulze and Marco Rahm
Institute of Optical Sensor Systems at the Germany Aerospace Center (DLR) 2019, Berlin (Germany)
- Ultrathin Flexible and Optically Tunable Terahertz Bandpass Filter with Embedded Silicon
Michael Hoeh, Jens Neu, Klemens Schmitt and Marco Rahm
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2015, San José (USA)
- Silicon-based, Ultra-Thin, Flexible Optically Tunable Metamaterial-Bandpass Filter In The THz-Regine
J. Neu, M.A. Hoeh, K.M. Schmitt and Marco Rahm
39th Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and THz Waves, Tuscon (USA), (September 14-19, 2014)
- Ultrathin, optically tunable flexible metamaterial-film based terahertz bandpass filter
Michael A. Hoeh, Jens Neu, Klemens M. Schmitt and Marco Rahm
Metamaterials 2014, Kopenhagen, (August 25-28, 2014)
- Metamaterial-mediated Terahertz Surface Waves on Silicon
Tassilo Fip, Benjamin Reinhard, Jens Neu and Marco Rahm
Veranstaltung 551. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Active Nanoplasmonics and Metamaterial Dynamics, Physikzentrum Bad Honeff (Germany), (January 19-22, 2014)
- Metamaterial-based gradient index beam steerer operating in the thz-regime
J. Neu and M. Rahm
The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2013), Bordeaux, France (September 16-19, 2013)
- Loss compensated and lasing terahertz metamaterials based on optically pumped graphene: A numerical study
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, and M. Rahm
The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2013), Bordeaux, France (September 16-19, 2013)
- Graphene on silicon as optically tuned terahertz modulator
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, M. Hoeh, J. Neu, B. Reinhard, A. Brodyanski, and M. Rahm
38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2013, Mainz, Germany (September 1-6, 2013)
- Numerical study of optically pumped graphene for loss compensated terahertz metamaterials
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, and M. Rahm
38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2013, Mainz, Germany (September 1-6, 2013)
- Compact high-q photonic resonator inside a metallic ridge terahertz waveguide
M. Gerhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2013, Mainz, Germany (September 1-6, 2013)
- Metamaterial-based, gradient index beam steerer for terahertz radiation
J. Neu and M. Rahm
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2013, San Jose, USA, (June 9-14, 2013)
- High efficiency coupling into tapered parallel plate terahertz waveguides
M. Gerhard, M. Theuer, M. Rahm, and R. Beigang
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2013, San Jose, USA (June 9-14, 2013)
- Terahertz thin film and refractive index sensing with a metamaterial near-field sensor
B. Reinhard, K. M. Schmitt, V. Wollrab, J. Neu, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Wollongong, Australia (September 23-28, 2012)
- Strongly confined metamaterial-mediated terahertz surface waves on silicon
T. Fip, B. Reinhard, and M.Rahm
Metamaterials 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia (September 17-22, 2012)
- Wide-band enhanced terahertz wave modulation by a graphene-on-siliconmodulator
P.Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, M.Hoeh, B.Reinhard, A. Brodyanski, M.Rahm
Metamaterials 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia (September 17-22, 2012)
- Thin film sensing with metamaterial-based sensors in the terahertz spectral region
B. Reinhard, K. M. Schmitt, V. Wollrab, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
5th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 6-7, 2012)
- Strongly localized metamaterial-mediated terahertz surface waves on silicon
B. Reinhard, T. Fip, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
5th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 6-7, 2012)
- Metamaterial-based gradient index lens for strong focusing in the THz frequency range
J. Neu, B. Krolla, O. Paul, B. Reinhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
5th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 6-7, 2012)
- Hybridization Induced Transparency in composites of metamaterials and resonant dielectric substances
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, R. Beigang and M. Rahm
5th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 6-7, 2012)
- Analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in a hybrid metamaterial
P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Barcelona, Spain (October 10-15, 2011)
- Metamaterial-based gradient index lens for strong focusing in the THz frequency range
J. Neu, B. Krolla, O. Paul, B. Reinhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Barcelona, Spain (October 10-15, 2011)
- Terahertz surface waves on thin metamaterial films
B. Reinhard, O. Paul, J. Neu, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Karlsruhe, Germany (September 13-16, 2010)
- Gradient Index Metamaterial Based on Slot Elements
O. Paul, B. Reinhard, B. Krolla, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Karlsruhe, Germany (September 13-16, 2010)
- Demonstration of birefringent metamaterial terahertz wave plates
P. Weis, O. Paul, C. Imhof, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Karlsruhe, Germany (September 13-16, 2010)
- Nonlinearity caused by local field effects between a two level system and a metamaterial
J. L. Garcia-Pomar, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Karlsruhe, Germany (September 13-16, 2010)
- Nonlinearity caused by local field effects between a two level system and a metamaterial
J. L. Garcia-Pomar, P. Weis, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica (Spanish Conference on Nanophotonics) CEN2010, Segovia (June 15-18, 2010)
- Terahertz Surface Waves on a Split-Ring-Based Metamaterial Film
B. Reinhard, O. Paul, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Conference on Lasers and Elecro-Optics (CLEO), San José, CA, USA (May 16-21, 2010)
- Metamaterial-based Optical Components for the THz Technology
O. Paul, B. Reinhard, P. Weis, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 2-3, 2010)
- Fast Modulation of THz Waves by Polarization-Independent Metamaterials
O. Paul, C. Imhof, B. Lägel, S. Wolf, J. Heinrich, S. Höfling, A. Forchel, R. Zengerle, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 2-3, 2010)
- Terahertz Surface Waves on Terahertz Metamaterials
B. Reinhard, O. Paul, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
4th Workshop on Terahertz Technology - International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Kaiserslautern, Germany (March 2-3, 2010)
- Metamaterial-based optical components for the THz technology
O. Paul, B. Reinhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Teratech 2009 (Nov 30 - Dec 3, 2009) (won the "Excellent Poster Award")
- Experimental and Numerical Study of THz Surface Waves on Split-Ring Metamaterials
B. Reinhard, O. Paul, D. Molter, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2009), Busan, Korea (September 21-25, 2009)
- Electrically tunable metamaterial for polarization-independent terahertz modulation
O. Paul, Ch. Imhof, B. Lägel, S. Wolff, J. Heinrich, S. Höfling, A. Forchel, R. Zengerle, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore USA (June 1-5, 2009)
- Fast Polarization-Insensitive Terahertz Wave Modulator
O. Paul, Ch. Imhof, B. Lägel, S. Wolff, J. Heinrich, S. Höfling, A. Forchel, R. Zengerle, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
PECS VIII - The 8th International Photonic & Electromagnetic Crystal Structures Meeting, Sidney, Australia (April 5-9, 2009)
- Fast Modulation of THz Waves by Polarization - Independent Metamaterials
O. Paul, Ch. Imhof, B. Lägel, S. Wolff, J. Heinrich, S. Höfling, A.Forchel, R. Zengerle, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
NANOMETA 2009, Seefeld in Tirol, Austria (Jan 5-8, 2009)
- Adaptive Transformation-Optical Elements
M. Rahm, D. A. Roberts, J. B. Pendry, D. R. Smith
NANOMETA 2009, Seefeld in Tirol, Austria (Jan 5-8, 2009)
- Design of adaptive optics by finite embedded coordinate transformations
M. Rahm, J. B. Pendry, D. R. Smith
Metamaterials 2008: 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Pamplona, Spain (Sep 21-26, 2008)
- Dual-Band Planar Electric THz Metamaterial with Resonator Yield Analysis
T. H. Hand, Y. Yuan, S. Palit, C. Bingham, M. Rahm, D. R. Smith, W. J. Padilla, N. Jokerst, S. A. Cummer
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, USA (May 4-9, 2008)
- Widely tunable narrow-linewidth nanosecond optical parametric generator with self-injection seeding M.Rahm, G.Anstett, J.Bartschke, T.Bauer, R.Beigang and R.Wallenstein
Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics in Baltimore, USA (May 22-27, 2005)
Eingeladene Vorträge
- Tailored propagation of surface waves on meta-surfaces
M.F. Volk, T. Fip, B. Reinhard, J. Neu, R. Beigang and M. Rahm
EMN Spring Meeting 2014, Las Vegas (USA), (February 27 - March 2, 2014) - Metamaterials for Terahertz Photonics
M.A. Hoeh, J. Neu, K. Schmitt and M. Rahm
EMN Fall Meeting 2014, Orlando (USA), (November 22-25, 2014) - Experimental Verification of the Theory of LHM Materials and Meta-Surfaces
M. Rahm
Huawei Seminar on Left-handed Meta-Materials and Meta-Surfaces-Phenomenon, Theory, Application, Design and Production, Munich (Germany), (December 10-11, 2014) - Metamaterial-mediated terahertz surface waves with strong confinement
T. Fip, B. Reinhard, J. Neu and M. Rahm
38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) 2013, Mainz, Germany, (September 1-6, 2013) - Gradient index devices for terahertz waves and terahertz surface waves
M. Rahm, M. Volk, T. Fip, J. Neu, M. Höh, B. Reinhard
SPIE Optics and Photonics 2013, San Diego, USA, (August 25-29, 2013) - Terahertz plasmonics and metamaterial-based optics
M. Rahm
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013 (ISPDI 2013), Beijing, China, (June 25-27, 2013) - Terahertz plasmonics and metamaterial-based optics
M. Rahm, J. Neu
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2013, San Jose, USA, (June 9-14, 2013) - Gradient index devices for terahertz waves and terahertz surface waves
M. Rahm, M. Volk, T. Fip, B. Reinhard, M. Höh, J. Neu
META 13, the 4th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Sharjah, United Arabic Emirates (March 18-22, 2013) - Terahertz sensing with meta-surfaces and integrated circuits
M. Rahm, B. Reinhard, K. Schmitt, T. Fip, M. Volk, J. Neu, A.-K. Mahro, R. Beigang
Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, USA (February 2-7, 2013) - Metamaterials and meta-surfaces for terahertz optics, sensors and surface waves.
M. Rahm
Optics and Photonics Seminar Series at Duke University, Durham, USA (November 28, 2012) - Gradient Index Optics for Terahertz Waves and Confined Surface Waves
J. Neu, B. Reinhard, T. Fip, M. Volk, O. Paul, B. Krolla, and M. Rahm
Metamaterials 2012, St. Petersburg (Russia) (Sep 17-22, 2012) - Metamaterial Terahertz Transmission Optics and Surface Waves
B. Reinhard, T. Fip, M. Volk, K. M. Schmitt, J. Neu, M. Hoeh, M. Rahm
3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science and Technology, Prague (Czech Republic) (June 17-20, 2012) - Tailored Terahertz Surface Waves and Metamaterial Optics
B. Reinhard, T. Fip, M. Volk, K. M. Schmitt, J. Neu, M. Hoeh, and M. Rahm
6th International Conference on Nano-Photonics, Beijing (China) (May 27-30, 2012) - Terahertz surface plasmonics on metamaterials
B. Reinhard, T. Fip, M. Volk, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
META 12, Paris (France) (April 19-22, 2012) - Metamaterial-based optical components for seamless integration in compact THz measurement systems
J. Neu, B. Krolla, O. Paul, B. Reinhard, V. Wollrab, P. Weis, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, R. Beigang and M. Rahm
META 12, Paris (France) (April 19-22, 2012) - Terahertz Metamaterials, Surface Waves and Metamaterial-Based Optics
B. Reinhard, T. Fip, M. Volk, J. Neu, K. M. Schmitt, M. Hoeh, and M. Rahm
EMN Meeting 2012, Orlando (USA) (April 16-20, 2012) - Metamaterial-based optical components for THz radiation
J. Neu, B. Krolla, O. Paul, B. Reinhard, P. Weis, V. Wollrab, J. L. Garcia-Pomar, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul (Turkey) (August 13-20, 2011) - Metamaterialien als innovative optische Designer-Werkstoffe für die THz-Technologie
M. Rahm
Seminar der Firma "Toptica Photonics", Muenchen (March 1, 2011) - Metamaterialien als innovative optische Komponenten für die Terahertz(THz)-Technologie
M. Rahm
Kolloqium des Instituts fuer Angewandte Physik,TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt (February 11, 2011) - Bound terahertz waves on meta-surfaces and active metamaterials
M. Rahm
Photonics West, SPIE OPTO Symposium, San Francisco (USA) (January 22-27, 2011) - Nonlinearity in Metamaterials coupled to Active Media
J. L. Garcia-Pomar
Workshop on Transport of Electrons and Photons through Nanoscale Sized Systems (TEP2010), Palencia (November 18-20, 2010) - Metamaterials: Designable Optical Components for the Terahertz Technology
M. Rahm
WOCSDICE 2010, Darmstadt (Seeheim) (May 17-19, 2010) - Metamaterialien und Transformationsoptik (Tutorium)
M. Rahm
Kolloquium Optik und Kondensierte Materie des IAP Bonn, Bonn (February 2, 2010) - Metamaterials: A route to novel terahertz optical components
M. Rahm
Gastvortrag zum 3. Jahrestreffen des Deutschen THz-Zentrums e.V., Konstanz (May 6-7, 2010) - Metamaterial-based Optical Components for the Terahertz (THz) Technology
O. Paul, P. Weis, B. Reinhard, R. Beigang, and M. Rahm
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Xi'an (China) (March 25, 2010) - THz-Metamaterialien und Transformationsoptik
M. Rahm
Gastvortrag am 4. Physikalischen Institut, Universitaet Stuttgart (Jan 11, 2010) - Metamaterialien: Optiken für die Terahertz-Technology nach Design
M. Rahm
Kolloquium des Center for Nonlinear Science (CeNoS) an der Westfaelischen Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (Dec 8, 2009) - Terahertz (THz) Metamaterials and Transformation Optics
M. Rahm
DPG Conference, Hamburg, Germany (March 2-6, 2009) - Transformation Optics Tutorial
M. Rahm
Auditorium, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA (July 18, 2008) - Transformation-Optical Devices
M. Rahm
Workshop on Spatial Dispersion in Metamaterials, Transformation Optics and Related Topics, Durham, NC, USA (May 28, 2008) - Transformation Optics: Is it only about cloaking?
M. Rahm
International Workshop on Electromagnetic Metamaterials II: Gradient Lenses to Invisibility Cloaks , Los Alamos, NM, USA (Sep 5-6, 2007)
- Transformation-optical design of reconfigurable optical devices
Marco Rahm, David Schurig, David R. Smith
Provisional Patent Application Nos. 60/987,014 and 60/987,127 (2007)