Publications 2003 - Research Group for Radio Communications
M. Meurer and T. Weber, ''The soft symbol: soft quantization and higher-order modulation, a contradiction?'', in Proc. 2. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie, Dresden, June 2003, pp. 86-91.
S. Heilmann and M. Meurer, ''Mitigation of interferences between co-existing WCDMA systems'', in Proc. IEEE 14th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'03), Beijing, China, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 341-345.
M. Meurer and T. Weber, ''Generalized data estimate refinement techniques for iterative multiuser detection in TD-CDMA including higher order modulation'', in Proc. 10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03), Papeete, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 781-787.
P. W. Baier, W. Qiu, H. Tröger, C. A. Jötten, M. Meurer and G. Lehmann, ''Modelling and optimization of receiver oriented multi-user MIMO downlinks for frequency selective channels'', in Proc. 10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03), Papeete, 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1547-1554.
W. Qiu, H. Tröger, M. Meurer and C. A. Jötten, ''Performance analysis of a channel oriented concept for multi-user MIMO downlinks with frequency selective channels'', in Proc. IEEE 57th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'03-Spring), Jeju, Korea, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 539-543.
T. Weber, M. Meurer and A. Sklavos, ''Optimum nonlinear joint transmission'', in COST 273 TD(03)008, Barcelona, Jan. 2003.
T. Weber and M. Meurer, ''Potential of optimum joint transmission'', in 1. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie, Erlangen, Jan. 2003.
M. Meurer and H. Tröger, ''Channel oriented multi-user MIMO downlinks in frequency selective channels'', in Proc. DFG-Kolloqium: Adaptivität in heterogenen Kommunikationsnetzen mit drahtlosem Zugang, Hamburg, 2003.
P. Baier and M. Meurer, ''Receiver orientation, an unconventional approach to mobile radio downlink design'', in Proc. European Conference on Wireless Technology 2003 (ECWT'2003), Munich, 2003, pp. 11-14.
T. Weber and M. Meurer, ''Optimum joint transmission: Potentials and dualities'', in Proc. 6th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications 2003 (WPMC'03), Yokosuka, Oct. 2003, vol. 1, pp. 79-83.
T. Weber and M. Meurer, ''Joint detection and joint transmission - unexpected nondualities concerning the influence of channel estimation errors'', in in COST 273 TD(03)152, Prague, Sept. 2003.
T. Weber, Y. Liu, I. Maniatis and M. Meurer, ''Performance of a multiuser OFDM mobile radio system with joint detection'', in Proc. 8th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'03), Hamburg, Sept. 2003, pp. 191-195.
T. Weber, A. Sklavos, Y. Liu and M. Weckerle, ''The air interface concept JOINT for beyond 3G mobile radio networks'', in Proc. 15th International Conference on Wireless Communications (WIRELESS 2003), Calgary, July 2003, vol. 1, pp. 25-33.
T. Weber and I. Maniatis, ''Channel knowledge: A crucial prerequisite for MIMO transmission?'', in COST 273 TD(03)083, Paris, May 2003.
I. Maniatis and T. Weber, ''Joint Channel Estimation with Array Antennas in OFDM based Mobile Rradio Systems'', in COST 273 TD(04)009, Athens, Jan. 2003. [pdf]
T. Weber and M. Meurer, ''Influence of channel estimation errors on joint detection and joint transmission'', in Proc. Dresden Workshop on ''Senderseitige Signalverarbeitung im Mobilfunk'', Dresden, 2003.
M. Meurer, Q. Wei and T. Weber, ''An advanced approach to joint transmission: Design of energy efficient transmit signals by Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing'', in Proc. Dresden Workshop on ''Senderseitige Signalverarbeitung im Mobilfunk'', Dresden, 2003.
I. Maniatis, T. Weber and M. Weckerle, ''Exploiting A-Priori Information for Channel Estimation in Multiuser OFDM Mobile Radio Systems'', in Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum for Future Generation Wireless Systems, K. Fazel and S. Kaiser, Eds., pp. 235-242. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Dec. 2003, Proc. 4th International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS 2003).
A. Burr, Y. Zacharov, H. Tröger, W. Qiu, M. Meurer, C. Stimming, A. Vanaev, G. Tauböck, J. Shen and H. Mai, ''Selected MIMO techniques and their performance'', Tech. Rep., European Union IST Project IST-2001-32125 FLOWS, 2003,