Guideline to Integrate Voltage Control Appilcations (LISA)


The absorption capacity of distributed generation in rural low voltage networks is presently limited due to the overvoltage according to DIN EN 50160. Different from the thermal limits, which can only be solved by storage, curtailment or network extension, there are advanced and relatively affordable technologies to maintain the voltage. These advanced technologies are separately tested in several pilot projects meanwhile the initial products are available on the market. However until now the technical and economic application criteria are not clearly defined.


The aim of this project is to investigate not only the various voltage control concepts but also the possibilities of systematic applications in different low voltage networks. The research results will be summarized into the guidelines to recommend the implementations of different options. These guidelines will provide the utilities the optimal solution in both technical and economic aspects without high analysis investment considering their own features. Simultaneously the guidelines will also give the suggestions to the equipment and controller producers for their future development, especially in control concepts to coordinate the voltage from different voltage levels.


The different voltage control measures and their interactions are analyzed under different network situations in the project. The derived strategies of control concepts will be integrated into the guidelines. These control concepts are applied with the reliable coordination among the autonomic voltage controllers in different voltage levels. The dynamic system behaviors are optimized and a stable voltage control is guaranteed. In order to verify the results and the effects of the concepts a labor test will carried out with selected system configurations and real system components in real networks. The system concepts are implemented in the real Pfalzwerk networks with the help of guidelines. At last the theory results are verified with the practical results.

Publicly funded joint venture

“Guidelines to Integrate the Voltage Control Applications” is a joint project in terms of sixth energy research program with funding from BMWi.


  • Pfalzwerke AG
  • Pfalzwerke Netz AG
  • IDS GmbH
  • Power Plus Communications AG
  • Eberle GmbH & Co.KG
  • Forschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft e.V.

Person in charge

M. Sc. Marco Weisenstein


The guidline can be downloaded here.

Guidelines to Integrate the Voltage Control Applications (LISA)