Effect of storage operation on transmission system extension


With the federal government’s energy concept from September 2010 the basis for sustainable supply with electricity mainly focused on renewable energy sources was set. It is a dedicated objective of this policy to raise the share of renewable energies at the gross electricity consumption up to 80 % by 2050. In an electricity supply system both the produced and the consumed power must be equal at any time. Due to the fact that in order to fulfill this ambitious objective an overall installed capacity of renewable energy sources equivalent to a multiple of the German peak load is needed, the power gradients are expected to rise as well. Thus, more flexibility in the system is needed. This can be achieved by the use of more flexible power stations, more import/export of power, the curtailment of electricity from renewable energy sources or by the use of energy storage device.


To study the relationship between storage devices integrated in the electricity supply system and a required grid extension.

  • Investigation of conditions in which the implementation of storage devices helps to avoid grid extension.
  • Investigation of an allocation of storage devices that helps to decongest the grid.


Using simulations representing the operation of the German transmission grid during one year power flow calculations and contingency analysis on grid models having a different degree of grid extension are performed in order to investigate the influence of different storage scenarios to the grid. The sufficiency of a grid model is evaluated by means of the capacity utilization of its components.


  • Storage devices do not significantly reduce the overall capacity utilization of the transmission grid without regarding operational grid parameters.
  • There is neither a preference for storage allocations at load centers nor at generation units

Person in charge

Dipl.-Ing. Helge Pluntke


Energiespeicher für die Energiewende - Speicherungsbedarf und Auswirkungen auf das Übertragungsnetz für Szenarien bis 2050, VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik und Informationstechnik e.V. Energietechnische Gesellschaft (ETG), Frankfurt (Main) 2012

Effect of storage devices to the German transmission grid