Mailing list of the student association

How to subscribe

To keep the official mailing lists (don't worry; you are automatically subscribed to them) free of spam, the e-mails sent there are subject to strict guidelines.
Of course we still want to give you the opportunity to stay informed about less official matters.
These include upcoming student events, open job offers and notifications from university groups.
You can easily subscribe to the EIT/MKT students' mailing list by clicking on the link below:

We will try to keep this mailing list free of spam as much as possible. In addition, we plan to structure the subject of the mails so that it should be easier for you to filter for the things that really interest you.

At this point we would like to point out that you are always welcome to contact your student council via fachschaft(at) oder directly in building 11, floor 2, room 224.

How to use it

You want to distribute information via the mailing list? Then there are some points to consider:

  1. Your message must be fully formulated. We will only forward it after it has been checked for relevance.
  2. Recipients cannot see the email address from which you contacted the list. If you want to be reachable, you have to include your contact information in your email.
  • To allow members to sort their mail properly, you need to add a tag at the beginning of your subject:[Advertisement] you would like to advertise for yourself or your university groups
  • [Events] there is an event that you or your university group are organizing
  • [Info] you have information that could be important for the students and that has not yet been communicated by the authorities.
  • [Job Offer] Helping hands are still needed. [Hiwi/Seasonal Work/etc.]

Do you fulfill all the above mentioned points? Then send us your e-mail to be distributed: fseit(at)