VDE Kurpfalz Prize 2021
M.Sc. Alex Wezel was awarded the VDE Kurpfalz prize for his excellent master thesis with the title "Top-down methodology for refining abstract communication interfaces into correct-by-construction RTL designs".
This year, the VDE Kurpfalz once again awards prizes for the best master theses at regional universities, colleges and master schools in the field of electrical and computer engineering.
Among this year's award winners is M.Sc. Alex Wezel. He was honoured for his master thesis, which he wrote at the chair of electronic design automation under Wolfgang Kunz and supervised by Dr.-Ing. Tobias Ludwig.
The master thesis entitled "Top-down methodology for refining abstract communication interfaces into correct-by-construction RTL designs" is in the context of current research in the department and the spin-off LUBIS EDA.
The award winners were celebrated this year with an online ceremony.
In the context of the master thesis, an algorithm was developed and implemented that allows communication interfaces to be analysed at the system level and the equivalent properties to be generated for an RTL model.
Due to the only implicitly given finite-state-machine of a SystemC-channel, it was necessary to design an algorithm that does not only consider the state of the channel, but also all possible interactions of the connected modules.
The algorithm allows a sound formal abstraction between ESL and RTL and can thus increase design productivity. In the meantime, the algorithm has also been integrated into the LUBIS EDA software.