This page collects useful links and download material for students already enrolled in ESY. (For prospective students general information on ESY can be found here)


Course lists

The following course lists present a set of courses for the ESY Core Program and the ESY Elective Program. These catalogues may be subject to change.

  • ESY Core Program (pdf)
  • ESY Elective Program (pdf)

For every student an individual study plan is created. The Elective Program reflects personal interests and profiles. The Core Program is considered mandatory but may be adapted based on educational background. For example, students with undergraduate education at TUK may already have taken certain Core Program courses during their bachelor's studies. This will be taken into account when developing their study plan.


Study Plan

Every student creates his/her individual study plan. After obtaining the signature from Prof. Kunz the study plan must be submitted to the examination office (Prüfungsamt). Check the guidelines how to set up and submit the study plan:

  • ESY study plan guidelines (pdf)
  • Example of ESY study plan (pdf)


Examination rules

The following examination orders describe all official examination rules for the ESY program:

  • Fachprüfungsordnung Master Electrical & Computer Engineering (German only) (pdf)
  • Allgemeine Masterprüfungsordnung (German only) (pdf)

If you do not speak German check the English summary of the examination rules.

  • ESY examination rules (pdf)


Master thesis document

Follow the guidelines how to write your thesis and use the templates available at the EIT department.