Electrical Drive Technology II

The aim of this lecture is to convey knowledge in the following areas:

  • Most important influencing factors in planning electrical drive systems
  • Project planning of electrical drive systems
  • constructive structure as well as the winding design of synchronous machines
  • Modelling of conventional synchronous machines as full pole machine version and salient pole machine version as well as description of the stationary operating behaviour
  • Modelling of converter-fed synchronous machine drives and description of the stationary operating behaviour
  • Evaluation of the start-up and entry process of synchronous motor drives
  • Evaluation of the pendulum processes possible with synchronous machine drives

The following content is presented:

  • Influencing factors on the project planning of electrical drive systems
  • Iterative configuration process
  • Structure, modelling and stationary operating behaviour of the full-pole synchronous machine
  • Structure, modelling and stationary operating behaviour of the salient pole synchronous machine
  • Variable-speed drives with synchronous motors
  • Frequency controlled synchronous machine
  • Converter motor
  • Field-oriented synchronous machine
  • Variable-speed multi-motor drives with permanent magnet synchronous motors and reluctance motors
  • Start-up and entry process
  • Pendulum phenomena in drives with synchronous machines


Recommended literature:

Kremser: Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe; Teubner
Schröder: Elektrische Antriebe - Grundlagen; Springer
Riefenstahl: Elektrische Antriebstechnik; Teubner
Heumann: Grundlagen der Leistungselektronik; Teubner
Müller, Ponick: Grundlagen elektr. Maschinen; VCH
Müller, Ponick: Theorie elektr. Maschinen; VCH

(Vogt, Ponick: Berechnung elektr. Maschinen, VCH)
(H.O. Seinsch: Oberfelderscheinungen in Drehfeldmaschinen; Teubner)
(Simon, Fransua u.a.: Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebssysteme; Vieweg)
(W. Leonhard: Regelung elektrischer Antriebe; Springer)

Lecturer & Tutor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Götz
Building 11, Room 376
Phone: 2080
Mail: goetz(at)eit.uni-kl.de

Lecture Notes

Downloads concerning lecture and exercises can be found in the corresponding OLAT course.