Dynamic Variable-Speed Drives
The aim of this lecture is to convey knowledge in the following areas:
- Most important drive components of controllable drives
- Circuit technology for speed-controlled DC and AC main drives
- Circuit technology for position-controlled DC and AC positioning drives
- Power electronic circuits for the operation of DC and AC drives
- Describing dynamically servo and main motors by using their differential equations
- Guide systems for the field-oriented operation of AC drives
- Functionality of the most important sensors for the detection of speed and position
- Describe the operating behaviour of servo and main drives
- Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of direct drive technology
The following content is presented:
- Development of actuators and control drives
- Variance of the drive components
- Transition from plant technology to mechatronics
- Classification of the dynamic control drives into main and servo drives
- DC main drives
- AC main drives
- Step servo drives
- DC servo drives
- AC servo drives
- AC servo drive in block current technology
- AC servo drive in sine current technology
- Linear direct drives
- Current drive developments
Recommended literature:
W. Leonhard: Regelung elektrischer Antriebe; Springer
W. Roddeck: Einführung in die Mechatronik; Teubner
Brosch: Moderne Stromrichterantriebe; Vogel
Schönfeld, Hofmann: Elektrische Antriebe und Bewegungssteuerungen; VDE
Heumann: Grundlagen der Leistungselektronik; Teubner
Riefenstahl: Elektrische Antriebstechnik; Teubner
Schröder: Elektrische Antriebe - Regelung; Springer
Isermann: Mechatronische Systeme; Springer
D. Gerling: Electrical Machines - Mathematical Fundamentals of Machine Topologies; Springer
W. Leonhard: Control of Electrical Drives; Springer
K. K. Tan, A. S. Putra: Drives and Control for Industrial Automation; Springer
W. Piotr: Dynamics and Control of Electrical Drives; Springer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Götz
Building 11, Room 376
Phone: 2080
Mail: goetz(at)eit.uni-kl.de
M. Sc. Akshata Ankush Sangle
Building 11, Room 368
Phone: 2098
Mail: sangle(at)eit.uni-kl.de
M. Sc. Davood Keshavarzi
Building 11, Room 366
Phone: 3401
Mail: keshavarzi(at)eit.uni-kl.de
Lecture Notes
Downloads concerning lecture and exercises can be found in the corresponding OLAT course.