Dr.-Ing. Christian Brehm
Scharnhölzstraße 344
46240 Bottrop
Email: cbrehm(at)seepex.com

- Anwendungsspezifische Prozessoren für Kanalkodierung
- Methodik zu Validierung von ASIPs
- Multi-Prozessor-Architekturen
- Trellis basierte Codes (Turbo Codes, Viterbi)
- Fehlertolerante Systeme
Preise und Auszeichnungen
- COSAR-Award
- Reliability Study on System Memories of an Iterative MIMO-BICM System
- A Scalable Multi-Core ASIP Virtual Platform For Standard-Compliant Trellis Decoding
- A Case Study on Error Resilient Architectures for Wireless Communication
- Formal Hardware/Software Co-verification of Application Specific Instruction Set Processors
- A Scalable Multi-ASIP Architecture for Standard Compliant Trellis Decoding
- Validation of Channel Decoding ASIPs -- A Case Study
- Complete Verification of Weakly Programmable IPs against their Operational ISA Model
- Complete Verification of Weakly Programmable IPs against their Operational ISA Model
- FlexiChaP: A Dynamically Reconfigurable ASIP for Channel Decoding for Future Mobile Systems
- A Rapid Prototyping Environment for ASIP Validation in Wireless Systems
- Proving Functional Correctness of Weakly Programmable IPs - A Case Study with Formal Property Checking
- Energy Consumption of Channel Decoders for OFDM-based UWB Systems