Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Inf. Daniel Schmidt
Continental Automotive GmbH
VDO-Straße 1
64832 Babenhausen
Telefon: (+49) 6073 / 12-5567
Fax: (+49) 6073 / 1279-5567
Email: Daniel.Schmidt(at)continental-corporation.com

- Hardware-architekturen für Monte-Carlo-Simulationen
- Hardware-optimierte Erzeugung nicht gleichverteilter Zufallszahlen
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Leistungsverbrauchsmodellierung
- A Hardware Efficient Random Number Generator for Nonuniform Distributions with Arbitrary Precision
- Hardware Accelerators for Financial Mathematics - Methodology, Results and Benchmarking
- A New Hardware Efficient Inversion Based Random Number Generator for Non-Uniform Distributions
- DRAM Power Management and Energy Consumption: a Critical Assessment
- Energy Simulation of Embedded XScale Systems with XEEMU
- A Review of Common Belief on Power Management and Power Consumption
- Error Correction in Single-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks - A Case Study
- XEEMU: An Improved XScale Power Simulator
- Energy Modelling in Sensor Networks
- Hardware/Software Tradeoffs for Advanced 3G Channel Decoding
- From Algorithm to Implementation: A Case Study on Blind Carrier Synchronization
- Design Space Exploration for Frequency Synchronization of BPSK/QPSK Bursts