Dr.-Ing. Michael J. Thul
Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe GmbH
South Engineering Office
Esslinger Strasse 7
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Telefon: (+49) 711 79723 426
Fax: (+49) 711 79723 488

- Network-on-Chip-Centric Approach to Interleaving in High Throughput Channel Decoders
- A Scalable System Architecture for High-Throughput Turbo-Decoders
- FPGA Implementation of Parallel Turbo Decoders
- Advanced Architectures for High-Throughput Turbo-Decoders
- A Survey on LDPC- and Turbo-Decoder Implementations
- Application driven Evaluation of Network on Chip Architectures for Parallel Signal Processing
- Implementation Issues of Scalable LDPC-Decoders
- Communication Centric Architectures for Turbo-Decoding on Embedded Multiprocessors
- Concurrent Interleaving Architectures for High-Throughput Channel Coding
- A Scalable System Architecture for High-Throughput Turbo-Decoders
- Optimized Concurrent Interleaver Architecture for High-Speed Turbo-Decoding
- Enabling High-Speed Turbo-Decoding through Concurrent Interleaving
- Evaluation of Algorithm Optimizations for Low-power Turbo-Decoder Implementations
- Algorithm Manipulation for Low-Power Communication Circuit Implementation
- Advanced Implementation Issues of Turbo-Decoders