M. Sc. Raphael Fritz
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität
Institute of Automatic Control
Erwin-Schrödinger Str. 12
Mailbox 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
E-Mail: fritzr(at)eit.uni-kl.de
Fields of work
Control and Modeling of Discrete Event Systems
- Control of flexible manfuacturing systems
- Refonfiguration of manfuacturing systems
- Decentrized and distributed Control
Cyber-Security of Discrete Event Systems
- Modeling of Cyber Attacks
- Detection of Cyber Attacks
- Handling and Prevention of Cyber Attacks
Fault-tolerant Control of Discrete Event Systems
- Fault Identification
- Fault Diagnosis
- Fault-tolerant Control
- R. Fritz, P. Zhang: Fault-tolerant tracking control of petri nets / Fehlertolerante Folgesteuerung von Petri-Netzen. at-Automatisierungstechnik 2018, 66(1), 30-40.
- R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Detektion von Angriffen auf Cyber-Physische Fertigungssysteme. Proceedings of the 2018 Automation,VDI-Berichte Nr. 2330, pp. 69 - 80, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2018.
- R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Modeling and detection of cyber attacks on discrete event systems. Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), pp. 296-301, Sorrento Coast, Italy, 2018.
- R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Tracking control for Petri nets with forbidden states. Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 1888 - 1893, Limassol, Cyprus, 2018.
- R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Overview of fault-tolerant control methods for discrete event Systems. Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (Safeprocess), IFAC PapersOnLine, Vol.51, Issue 24, pp. 88-95, Warsaw, Poland, 2018.
- R. Fritz, J. Napitupulu, P. Zhang. Tracking Control for Petri Nets based on Monte-Carlo Tree Search. Proceeding of the 2019 European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 4180- 4185, Naples, Italy, 2019.
- R. Fritz, P. Schwarz, P. Zhang. Modeling of Cyber Attacks and a Time Guard Detection for ICS based on Discrete Event Systems. Accepted for the 2019 European Control Conference (ECC), pp. 4368 - 4373, Naples, Italy, 2019.
- R. Fritz, M. Fauser, P.Zhang. Controller encryption for discrete event systems. Proceedings of the 2019 American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 5633 - 5638, Philadelphia, USA, 2019.
- R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Tracking Controller Design for Petri Nets with Inputs and Outputs. Accepted for the 2020 American Cotnrol Conference (ACC), Denver, USA, 2020.
- R. Fritz, N. Krebs, P. Zhang. A Monte-Carlo Tree Search based Tracking Control Approach for Timed Petri Nets. Accepted for the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2020.
- A. Köhler, P. Zhang, R. Fritz. Specification governor for fault tolerant control of large-scale manufacturing systems. European Journal of Control, Vol. 62, pp. 198-205, 2021.
- A. Köhler, R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Approach to design distributed logic controllers for large-scale manufacturing systems. Proceedings of the 2021 American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 495-500, 2021.
- M. Jia, A. Köhler, R. Fritz, P. Zhang. Monte-Carlo tree search with neural networks for Petri nets. Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 2022.
- R. Fritz. Cyber-Security von vernetzten ereignisdiskreten Systemen. 54. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard, 05.03.2020