Dr.-Ing. Emna Zoghlami Ayari
Technische Universität Darmstadt - Studienbereich Computational Engineering
S4/10 - Raum 06
Dolivostraße 15
64293 Darmstadt
Telefon: (+49) 6151 / 16-50181
Fax: (+49) 6151 / 16-6707
Email: zoghlami(at)ce.tu-darmstadt.de

A Noise Tolerant Method for ECG Signals Feature Extraction and Noise Reduction
E. Zoghlami Ayari, R. Tielert, N. Wehn. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2009), June, 2009, Beijing, China.
Low Power electrocardiogram QRS Detection in real-time
E. Zoghlami Ayari, R. Tielert, N. Wehn. In Proc. 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pages 643-646, December, 2008, Singapore, Singapore.
A New Fitting Approach for Online Electrocardiagram Component Waves Delineation
E. Zoghlami Ayari, R. Tielert, N. Wehn. In Proc. IEEE 35th annual Computers in Cardiology conference, pages 861 - 864, September, 2008, Bologna, Italien.
Template-based Compression of ECG Signals
E. Zoghlami Ayari, R. Tielert, N. Wehn. In Proc. 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2008), pages 283-286, August, 2008, Vancouver, Kanada.
Front End Schaltung zur Online Auswertung von EKG Signalen
E. Zoghlami Ayari, R. Tielert. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 5, pages 197-204, September, 2006, Miltenberg, Deutschland.