Algorithms and hardware architectures for very high throughput binary and non-binary LDPC decoders.
- A new Architecture for High Speed, Low Latency NB-LDPC Check Node Processing for GF(256)
- Error Resilience and Energy Efficiency: An LDPC Decoder Design Study
- Saturated Min-Sum Decoding: An “Afterburner” for LDPC Decoder Hardware
- A New LDPC Decoder Hardware Implementation with Improved Error Rates
- A new Architecture for High Throughput, Low Latency NB-LDPC Check Node Processing
- Syndrome Based Check Node Processing of High Order NB-LDPC Decoders
- Challenges and Limitations for Very High Throughput Decoder Architectures for Soft-Decoding
- Progress in Binary and Non-Binary Low Density Parity Check Codes
- Loopy - An Open-Source TCP/IP Rapid Prototyping and Validation Framework
- A New Dimension of Parallelism in Ultra High Throughput LDPC Decoding
- AXI4-Stream Upsizing/Downsizing Data Width Converters for Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations
- ASIC implementation of a modified QR decomposition for tree search based MIMO detection
- FPGA-based Rapid Prototyping Platform for MIMO-BICM Design Space Exploration
- Design Space of Flexible Multigigabit LDPC Decoders