Excursion to the SENSOR+TEST 2024 fair on June 12th, 2024
Once a year, academic and industrial experts in the field of sensors, sensor systems, instrumentation, and metrology meet at SENSOR+TEST 2024 fair which is alternatingly accompanied by a scientific congress (in 2024 the 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024) in Nuremberg. The event offers, in particular, for students of Metrology and Instrumentation, Electronics, Sensor Signal Processing, and Machine Learning, an excellent opportunity to aquaint themselves with the state-of the art and most recent developments in Sensors, Instrumentation, and Metrology, along with corresponding integration technologies and application fields. A plethora of presentations at booths, e.g., amongst many others related to infrared, hyperspectral-, magnetic- oder acoustic cameras in up-to-date versions, give a vivid and instructive picture of the field. In addition, the SENSOR+TEST serves also as carrier portal and offers the opportunity to students to access information on job offers, interships, or master project offers in the Career Center of the fair as well the job fair or individual contacts to company and institution representatives. The AMA (www.ama.de), in the role as organizing institution of the fair, sponsors the visit of students by providing free entry to the fair itself and organizer dependent also to the scientific congress. Further, a substantial part of the excursion bus travel cost is also covered by AMA. In the past two decades, a tradition has been established in the area and university sites of Kaiserslautern und Saarbrücken, to organize an annual joint excursion to SENSOR+TEST. The chair of Cognitive Integrated Sensor Systems (KISE), EIT, of RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, the Mikrosystems branch (Prof. Picard) of university of applied sciences Kaiserslautern (Zweibrücken site), the Saarland University, Chair of Measurement, and the university of applied sciences HTW Saarbrücken took turns in organizing the excursion in the past years.
After the Corona pandemic the chair of Cognitive Integrated Sensor Systems took the initiative to revive this tradition and set out on the organization of a free-of-charge excursion for the students. The valuable cooperation with Fachschaft EIT in advertising the event and registering participants is gratefully acknowledged. In addition to participants from the four traditionally participating institutions, the excursion was also, globally advertised and offered free-of-charge to students and employees of whole RPTU, site Kaiserslautern.
On June 12th 2024 the excursion started for the first group from Saarbrücken at 6:00 a.m. at the pick-up location, for the RPTU-group then at 6:45 Uhr pick-up location UCI in Kaiserslautern. Mr. M.Sc. Hamam Maher Abd served as accompanying person for the KISE chair. Arrival at the fair was at 10:30 a.m. and departure at 17:40 p.m. About 21:00 p.m. and 22:00 p.m., respectively, all participants of both groups had safely returned to their pick-up locations. The feedback of the participants with out restrictions was positive. The remaining bus cost after balancing of the AMA sponsoring have been covered, as also in previous years, by the KISE chair of the EIT department.
For next year 2025 and following years it is firmly intented, to carry on organizing the annual excursion for students, PhD candidates, and employees. First announcements for the excursion to SENSOR+TEST 2025, 06.05. - 08.05.2025, Nuremberg, can probably be expected not before end of March or beginning of April 2025.