PhD in Electrical Engineering

What is the next step after your studies? Get a job, start your own business, or go for an academic career?
Your decision depends on many - and also personal - goals and circumstances. We as a university offer you the next level on your way into academia with a PhD in electrical engineering ("Dr.-Ing.").
A PhD is not only mandatory for many teaching activities in higher education, but can serve as a door opener and insurance in business.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a wide range of topics and projects for your PhD work. If you are interested, please contact the heads of our departments directly.
Special Information for Non-Germans
The "German System"
In Germany, the Dr.-Ing. degree represents a high academic degree, that has a world-wide reputation. It is pursued following the successful completion of a Master’s degree (or an equivalent academic degree) at an internationally recognized university, and it is considered a prerequisite for an academic career. The main focus in doctoral studies lies on research, culminating in the writing of a Phd thesis.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau offers a so-called "individual research" doctoral option ("Promotion"): Pursuing a "Promotion" by conducting individual research means that you have to find a professor in our department who is willing and able to act as a supervisor. If you have found a supervisor you will join his / her research group for about 3-5 years.
In many cases you are paid for this work and get a qualifying position as a research assistant or a scholarship. Alternatively, you can apply for a PhD scholarship ("Promotionsstipendium") e.g. by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or other institutions.
Apply for a PhD
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers an individual research and project-based doctoral research training in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering. It does not offer a "taught" and structured program as common as in other countries.
In a very first step you should identify your specific field of research interest for your doctoral project.
In a second step you should compare your research interest to the actually conducted research projects in our department. Check out our website for getting an overview about the branches of specialization and running research projects.
If you find a working group / research field that is of interest for you, you can directly contact the respective professor.
Please keep in mind that the professors generally receive a large number of applications. You can have a competitive advantage if you positively match into the research profile of the respective working or research group and if you send informative and concise documents about your prior learning and research experience.