DSP Laboratory
Course of study
- Bachelor or Master
- First meeting see our start page
- Registration per email or personally at the first meeting required
- Semester (recommended): 6. Semester
- Language: English
- Term: Summer semester
- Lecture hours per week: 3
Required knowledge
- Digital signal processing
- The lab is not directly related to the DSP lecture, knowledge from the lectures "Audiosignalverarbeitung I" and "Algorithmen und ihre Implementierung" is highly recommended
Goal of qualifikation
- Implementation of algorithms in audio signal processing on a realtime DSP platform
- Basic DSP instructions
- External interfaces
- Digital filters
- Signal generation
- Dynamics processing
- State-variable systems
Academic achievement
- Ungraded certificate
- ECTS credtits: 3
- Experiments and short oral tests about the preparation
- Experiment descriptions
- DSP56300 Family Manual
- DSP56374Users Guide
- DSP Assembler Reference Manual
- DSP Lab IntroductionDownload 65 KB
- DSPLABV1.zipDownload 742 B
- DSPLABV2.zipDownload 5 KB
- DSPLABV3.zipDownload 6 KB
- DSPLABV4.zipDownload 9 KB
- DSPLABV5.zipDownload 1 MB
- DSPLABV6.zipDownload 8 KB
- DSPLAB_V1.pdfDownload 3 MB
- DSPLAB_V2.pdfDownload 1 MB
- DSPLAB_V3.pdfDownload 1 MB
- DSPLAB_V4.pdfDownload 2 MB
- DSPLAB_V5.pdfDownload 1 MB
- DSPLAB_V6.pdfDownload 1 MB
- Schaltplan_DSP-Board.jpgDownload 267 KB
- ChatGPT_DSP56300.txtDownload 12 KB
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