Carl Rheinländer, M.Eng.
Gebäude 45, Raum 255
67663 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: (+49) 631 / 205-3152
Email: rheinlaender(at)

- IoT
- Transient computing systems
A New Method for Predictive Checkpointing in Transiently-Powered IoT Sensor Devices with Thermal Energy Harvesting
C. Rheinländer, F. Lauer, N. Wehn. IEEE SusTech 2023 Conference, April, 2023, Portland, OR, USA.
Exploration of Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting for Secure, TLS-based Industial IoT Nodes
F. Lauer, M. Schöffel, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT-2022), December, 2022, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Sensorintegrierendes Maschinenelement Radialwellendichtring zur Überwachung von Betriebszustand und Schmierstoffqualität
S. Thielen, J. Seewig, N. Wehn, Y. Stiemcke, P. Sivasothy, C. Rheinländer, B. Sauer, O. Koch. Dresdner Maschinenelemente Kolloquium (DMK) 2022, 26.-27. April 2022, Dresden.
Secure IoT in the Era of Quantum Computers — Where Are the Bottlenecks?
M. Schöffel, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. Sensors, Special Issue "Lightweight Security Integrity and Confidentiality for Internet of Things (IoT)”, March, 2022.
Smart Sensors for Augmented Electrical Experiments
S. Kapp, F. Lauer, F. Beil, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn, J. Kuhn. Sensors, Volume 22, Issue 1: 256, 2022.
On the Energy Costs of Post-Quantum KEMs in TLS-based Low-Power Secure IoT
M. Schöffel, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. 6th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation, May, 2021, Nashville, TN, USA.
Harvester-Aware Transient Computing: Utilizing the Mechanical Inertia of Kinetic Energy Harvesters for a Proactive Frequency-Based Power Loss Detection
C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. Journal Integration, Volume 75, Pages 122-130, August, 2020, Elsevier.
Analysis and Optimization of TLS-based Security Mechanisms for Low Power IoT Systems
F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, C. Kestel, N. Wehn. 1st Workshop on Secure IoT, Edge and Cloud Systems (SIoTEC 2020), May, 2020, Melbourne, Australia.
TLS-Level Security for Low Power Industrial IoT Network Infrastructures
J. Mades, G. Ebelt, B. Janjic, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March, 2020, Grenoble, France.
Structural Data Compression for Embedded Long Prediction Horizon Model Predictive Control on Resource-Constrained FPGA Platforms
C. Rheinländer, F. Berkel, M. Douglas, M. Schäfer, N. Wehn, S. Liu. 1st IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Control And Instrumentation Engineering (ICECIE), November, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Adaptive Transient Computing for Power-Neutral Embedded Devices
C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. 29th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), July, 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
Best Paper Award
Real-time Image Recognition System Based on an Embedded Heterogeneous Computer and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Deployment in Constrained Environments
M. D. da Silva Carvalho, F. Koark, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. WCX World Congress Experience, SAE International, April, 2019, Detroit, MI, USA.
Augmenting Kirchhoff’s laws: Using augmented reality and smartglasses to enhance conceptual electrical experiments for high school students
S. Kapp, M. Thees, M. Strzys, F. Beil, J. Kuhn, O. Amiraslanov, H. Javaheri, P. Lukowicz, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. The Physics Teacher, vol. 57, no. 1, pages 52-53, DOI 10.1119/1.5084931, 2019.
A Platform for Analyzing DDR3 and DDR4 DRAMs
M. Jung, D. M. Mathew, C. Rheinländer, C. Weis, N. Wehn. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May, 2018, Florence, Italy.
An Analysis on Retention Error Behavior and Power Consumption of Recent DDR4 DRAMs
D. M. Mathew, M. Schultheis, C. Rheinländer, C. Sudarshan, M. Jung, C. Weis, N. Wehn. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March, 2018, Dresden, Germany.
Development of a Novel Indoor Positioning System with mm-range Precision based on RF Sensors Network
R. Xiong, S. van Waasen, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. IEEE Sensor Letters, Vol. 1, No. 5, October 2017.
A Wearable Flexible Sensor Network Platform for the Analysis of Different Sport Movements
M. Schmidt, S. Wille, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn, T. Jaitner. 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017), July, 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA. [Best paper winner]
A Platform to Analyze DDR3 DRAM’s Power and Retention Time
M. Jung, D. M. Mathew, C. Rheinländer, C. Weis, N. Wehn. IEEE Design & Test, July, 2017.
Precise Synchronization Time Stamp Generation for Bluetooth Low Energy
C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. IEEE SENSORS 2016, October, 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Reverse Engineering of DRAMs: Row Hammer with Crosshair
M. Jung, C. Rheinländer, C. Weis, N. Wehn. International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2016), October, 2016, Washington, DC, USA.
IMU-based determination of fatigue during long sprint
M. Schmidt, T. Jaitner, C. Rheinländer, S. Wille, N. Wehn. ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016), September, 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
IMU-based determination of stance duration during sprinting
M. Schmidt, C. Rheinländer, K. Nolte, S. Wille, N. Wehn, T. Jaitner. 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, July, 2016, Delft, The Netherlands.
Vertical jump diagnosis for multiple athletes using a wearable inertial sensor unit
T. Jaitner, M. Schmidt, K. Nolte, C. Rheinländer, S. Wille, N. Wehn. Sports Technology (Journal), January, 2016.
Development of a Quasi Time Stretch Technology for Indoor Positioning System Based on Pulse Modulated Ultra High Frequency Radio
R. Xiong, S. van Waasen, J. Schelten, M. Schloesser, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. IEEE SENSORS 2015 conference, November, 2015, Busan, South Korea.
Entwicklung und Evaluation eines mobilen Messsystems zum Online-Monitoring von Leistungsparametern hochdynamischer Sprint- und Sprungbewegungen (SpoSeNs)
M. Schmidt, T. Jaitner, M. Bieschke, J-E. Jürjens, K. Nolte, C. Rheinländer, S. Wille, N. Wehn. BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2013/14, February, 2015.
A wearable inertial sensor unit for jump diagnosis in multiple athletes
M. Schmidt, T. Jaitner, K. Nolte, C. Rheinländer, S. Wille, N. Wehn. icSPORTS 2014, October, 2014, Rome, Italy.
Sprungdiagnostik unter Feldbedingungen mittels Intertialsensoren
M. Schmidt, T. Jaitner, C. Rheinländer, S. Wille, N. Wehn. 10. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik, September, 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Eine flexible WSN-Plattform zur Leistungsdiagnostik und Trainingssteuerung im Leistung- und Hochleistungssport
T. Jaitner, C. Rheinländer, M. Schmidt, S. Wille, N. Wehn. 16. Frühjahrsschule "Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der angewandten Trainingswissenschaft", April, 2014, Leipzig.
Activity Recognition and Nutrition Monitoring in Every Day Situations with a Textile Capacitive Neckband
J. Cheng, B. Zhou, P. Lukowicz, C. Rheinländer, S. Wille, N. Wehn. UbiComp 2013, September, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.