Frederik Lauer, Dr.-Ing.
Gebäude 12, Raum 241
67663 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: (+49) 631 / 205-4181
Fax: (+49) 631 / 205-4437
Email: flauer(at)

- IoT
- Embedded Intelligence
A New Method for Predictive Checkpointing in Transiently-Powered IoT Sensor Devices with Thermal Energy Harvesting
C. Rheinländer, F. Lauer, N. Wehn. IEEE SusTech 2023 Conference, April, 2023, Portland, OR, USA.
SmaEPho–Smart Photometry in Education 4.0
L. Geuer, F. Lauer, J. Kuhn, N. Wehn, R. Ulber. Education Sciences, Special Issue "Digital Twins and Future Intelligent Educational Environments", January, 2023.
Exploration of Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting for Secure, TLS-based Industial IoT Nodes
F. Lauer, M. Schöffel, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT-2022), December, 2022, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Secure IoT in the Era of Quantum Computers — Where Are the Bottlenecks?
M. Schöffel, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. Sensors, Special Issue "Lightweight Security Integrity and Confidentiality for Internet of Things (IoT)”, March, 2022.
Smart Sensors for Augmented Electrical Experiments
S. Kapp, F. Lauer, F. Beil, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn, J. Kuhn. MDPI Sensors, Volume 22, Issue 1: 256, 2022.
On the Energy Costs of Post-Quantum KEMs in TLS-based Low-Power Secure IoT
M. Schöffel, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. 6th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation, May, 2021, Nashville, TN, USA.
Efficient Generation of Application Specific Memory Controllers
M. V. Natale, M. Jung, K. Kraft, F. Lauer, J. Feldmann, C. Sudarshan, C. Weis, S. O. Krumke, N. Wehn. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2020), October, 2020, virtual conference.
Analysis and Optimization of TLS-based Security Mechanisms for Low Power IoT Systems
F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, C. Kestel, N. Wehn. 1st Workshop on Secure IoT, Edge and Cloud Systems (SIoTEC 2020), May, 2020, Melbourne, Australia.
TLS-Level Security for Low Power Industrial IoT Network Infrastructures
J. Mades, G. Ebelt, B. Janjic, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March, 2020, Grenoble, France.
Augmenting Kirchhoff’s laws: Using augmented reality and smartglasses to enhance conceptual electrical experiments for high school students
S. Kapp, M. Thees, M. Strzys, F. Beil, J. Kuhn, O. Amiraslanov, H. Javaheri, P. Lukowicz, F. Lauer, C. Rheinländer, N. Wehn. The Physics Teacher, vol. 57, no. 1, pages 52-53, DOI 10.1119/1.5084931, 2019.