Dipl.-Math. Andreas Haupt

Scope of work
- Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCS)
- Model Based Control-Communication-Computing Co-Design
- Scheduling in Control Systems
Latest Publications
A. Haupt, T. Steffen: "Zwei Methoden zum Entwurf ressourcenschonender funkbasierter digitaler Regelungssysteme". at - Automatisierungstechnik 64(6), S. 467–480, 2016.
A. Haupt, E. Tognetti, A. Bauchspieß and L. Litz: "Control Design in a Distributed WNCS Using Energy Optimal Scheduled Medium Access", Proc. 53rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC'14), Los Angeles, Dec. 2014.
A. Haupt, F. Allgoewer, R. Blind, A. Chamaken, R. Gotzhein, M. Kraemer and L. Litz: "Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems", Chapter on Wireless Networking for Control, J. Lunze (Ed.), Springer Heidelberg, 2013.
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