André Lucas Chinazzo, M.Sc.
Gebäude 12, Raum 245
67663 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: (+49) 631 / 205-5268
Fax: (+49) 631 / 205-4437
Email: andre.chinazzo(at)

- Link Assessment
- Emerging Memory Solutions & Applications
Enabling cell selection optimization for non-traditional CMOS topologies
A. Chinazzo, S. Nassif, N. Wehn. IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2024), August, 2024, Sapporo, Japan.
Increasing the Sampling Efficiency for the Link Assessment Problem
A. Chinazzo, C. De Schryver, K. Zweig, N. Wehn. In: Bast, H., Korzen, C., Meyer, U., Penschuck, M. (eds) Algorithms for Big Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13201, January, 2023, Springer.
A Custom Hardware Architecture for the Link Assessment Problem
A. Chinazzo, C. De Schryver, K. Zweig, N. Wehn. In: Bast, H., Korzen, C., Meyer, U., Penschuck, M. (eds) Algorithms for Big Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13201, January, 2023, Springer.
Investigation of Pass Transistor Logic in a 12nm FinFET CMOS Technology
A. Chinazzo, J. Lappas, C. Weis, Q. Huang, Z. Wu, L. Ni, N. Wehn. IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2022), October, 2022, Glasgow, UK.
Machine learning based soft error rate estimation of pass transistor logic in high-speed communication
Z. Zhang, J. Lappas, A. Chinazzo, C. Weis, Z. Wu, L. Ni, N. Wehn, M. Tahoori.27th IEEE European Test Symposium, May, 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Revisiting Pass-Transistor Logic Styles in a 12nm FinFET Technology Node
J. Lappas, A. Chinazzo, C. Weis, C. Xia, Z. Wu, L. Ni, N. Wehn. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference 2022 (DATE 22), March, 2022, Antwerp, Belgium.
RRAMSpec: A Design Space Exploration Framework for High Density Resistive RAM
D. M. Mathew, A. Chinazzo, C. Weis, M. Jung, B. Giraud, P. Vivet, A. Levisse, N. Wehn. IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems Architectures Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), July, 2019, Samos Island, Greece.
Increasing Sampling Efficiency for the Fixed Degree Sequence Model with Phase Transitions
C. Brugger, A. Chinazzo, A. John, C. De Schryver, N. Wehn, W. Schlauch, K. Zweig. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 6(1):100, October, 2016. ISSN 1869-5469. DOI: 10.1007/s13278-016-0407-0.
Exploiting Phase Transitions for the Efficient Sampling of the Fixed Degree Sequence Model
C. Brugger, A. Chinazzo, A. F. John, C. De Schryver, N. Wehn, A. Spitz, K. Zweig. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), August, 2015, Paris, France.