Dr.-Ing. Christina Gimmler-Dumont
European Patent Office
Telefon: (+31) 70 340 4794

- Algorithmische Untersuchung und Implementierung von Algorithmen zur MIMO Detektion
- Iterationskontrolle in iterativen Systemen mit Synchronisierung, MIMO Detektion und Kanaldekodierung
- Iterative MIMO Detektion und Kanaldekodierung
- Cross-Layer Zuverlässigkeit in drahtlosen Kommunikationssystemen
Design of Efficient, Dependable SoCs Based on a Cross-Layer-Reliability Approach with Emphasis on Wireless Communication as Application and DRAM Memories
C. Weis, C. Gimmler-Dumont, M. Jung, N. Wehn. In: J. Henkel, N. Dutt (eds) Dependable Embedded Systems. Embedded Systems. Springer, Cham. pp 435-455, December, 2020.
Reliability Analysis of MIMO Channel Preprocessing by Fault Injection
C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn, V. Tomashevich, I. Polian. IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments 2014, October, 2014, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
A New Architecture for Minimum Mean Square Error Sorted QR Decomposition for MIMO Wireless Communication Systems
C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn, Victor Tomashevich, Christian Fesl, Ilia Polian. Design & Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS 2014), April, 2014, Warschau, Polen.
A Cross-Layer Reliability Design Methodology for Efficient, Dependable Wireless Receivers
C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Sytems, Volume 13 Issue 4s, Article No. 137 , April, 2014.
Connecting Different Worlds - Technology Abstraction for Reliability-Aware Design and Test
U. Schlichtmann, V. Kleeberger, J. Abraham, A. Evans, C. Gimmler-Dumont, M. Glaß, A. Herkersdorf, S. Nassif, N. Wehn. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March, 2014, Dresden.
Resilience Articulation Point (RAP): Cross-layer Dependability Modeling for Nanometer System-on-chip Resilience
A. Herkersdorf, V. Kleeberger, S. Nassif, U. Schlichtmann, C. Gimmler-Dumont, C. Weis, N. Wehn, et. al. Journal of Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 54, Pages 1066-1074, ISSN 0026-2714, Elsevier 2014 , February, 2014.
An energy-efficient weakly programmable MIMO detector architecture
C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 11, July, 2013.
A Cross-Layer Technology-Based Study of the Impact of Memory Errors on System Resilience
V. Kleeberger, C. Gimmler-Dumont, C. Weis, A. Herkersdorf, S. Nassif, U. Schlichtmann, N. Wehn, Daniel Müller-Gritschneder. IEEE Micro, Vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 46-55, July, 2013.
Cross-Layer Error-Resilience in Wireless Communication
C. Gimmler-Dumont, M. May, N. Wehn. Journal of Low Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 1, April, 2013.
ASIC implementation of a modified QR decomposition for tree search based MIMO detection
C. Gimmler-Dumont, P. Schläfer, N. Wehn. In Proc. IEEE 4th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS 2013), February, 2013, Cusco, Peru.
FPGA-based Rapid Prototyping Platform for MIMO-BICM Design Space Exploration
C. Gimmler-Dumont, P. Schläfer, N. Wehn. 2012 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig'12), December, 2012, Cancun, Mexico.
Reliability Study on System Memories of an Iterative MIMO-BICM System
C. Gimmler-Dumont, C. Brehm, N. Wehn. IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration 2012, October, 2012, Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
An energy efficient weakly programmable MIMO detector architecture
C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2012, September, 2012, Miltenberg, Germany.
Architectural challenges for high-throughput iterative MIMO systems
F. Kienle, C. Gimmler-Dumont. Invited Talk, 7th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing, August, 2012, Gothenborg, Sweden.
A System View on Iterative MIMO Detection: Dynamic Sphere Detection versus Fixed Effort List Detection
C. Gimmler-Dumont, F. Kienle, B. Wu, G. Masera. VLSI Design, vol. 2012, 14 pages, April, 2012.
Article ID 826350
A Case Study on Error Resilient Architectures for Wireless Communication
C. Brehm, M. May, C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. Springer LNCS 7179, Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2012, pp. 13-24, February, 2012, Munich, Germany.
ASIC Design of a Gbit/s LDPC Decoder for Iterative MIMO Systems
C. Gimmler-Dumont, F. Kienle, C. Weis, N. Wehn, M. Alles. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking & Communications, January, 2012, Maui, Hawaii.
Low-Complexity Iteration Control for MIMO-BICM Systems
C. Gimmler-Dumont, T. Lehnigk-Emden, N. Wehn. In Proc. IEEE 21 th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), September, 2010.
Implementation Comparisons of the QR decomposition for MIMO detection
G. Nazar, C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. In Proc. 23rd Annual Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design (SBCCI 2010), September, 2010, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Space-Time Bit Trellis Codes
F. Kienle, C. Gimmler-Dumont. In Proc. 8th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC), January, 2010, Siegen, Germany.
Low Complexity Turbo Synchronization without initial Carrier Synchronization
U. Wasenmüller, C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 8, pages 123-128, September, 2009, Miltenberg, Germany.
Analysis of Iteration Control for Turbo Decoders in Turbo Synchronization Applications
T. Lehnigk-Emden, U. Wasenmüller, C. Gimmler-Dumont, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 7, pages 139-144, September, 2008, Miltenberg, Germany.