Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Inf. Torben Brack
Hensoldt Sensors GmbH
Wörthstraße 85
89077 Ulm

A Design Study on Complexity Reduced Multipath Mitigation
U. Wasenmüller, T. Brack, I. Groh, E. Staudinger, S. Sand, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 10, Pages 167-173, September, 2012.
Architecture and Hardware Requirements for Turbo and LDPC decoders
F. Kienle, T. Brack, T. Vogt. Book chapter, Error Control Coding for B3G/4G Wireless Systems,WILEY, ISBN 978-0-470-77935-4, May, 2011.
Simulation Acceleration in Wireless Baseband Processing
T. Lehnigk-Emden, M. Alles, T. Brack, N. Wehn. Processor and System-on-Chip Simulation, Springer, September, 2010.
A Technical View on the URANUS Validation Platform
A. Viessmann, C. Spiegel, A. Burnic, Z. Bau, K. Statnikov, A. Waadt, S. Wang, X. Popon, R. Rodriguez Velilla, H. Saarnisaari, M. Alles, T. Brack, F. Kienle, F. Berens, S. Rotolo, F. Scalise, G. Bruck, N. Wehn, P. Jung. In Proc. ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit (ICT-MobileSummit 2008), pages 10-12, June, 2008, Stockholm, Schweden.
Analysis of Communication and Implementation Performance of FFT Based Carrier Synchronization of BPSK/QPSK Bursts
U. Wasenmüller, T. Brack, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 6, pages 95-100, September, 2007, Miltenberg, Germany .
Energy Consumption of Channel Decoders for OFDM-based UWB Systems
T. Lehnigk-Emden, C. Brehm, T. Brack, N. Wehn, F. Berens, C. Derdiyok. In Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2007), pages 447-452, September, 2007, Singapore, Singapore.
A Survey on LDPC Codes and Decoders for OFDM-based UWB Systems
T. Brack, M. Alles, T. Lehnigk-Emden, F. Kienle, N. Wehn, F. Berens, A. Rüegg. In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), pages 1549 - 1553 , April, 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
A Reliability-Aware LDPC Code Decoding Algorithm
M. Alles, T. Brack, N. Wehn. In Proc. 65th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2007-Spring), pages 1544 - 1548, April, 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
Low Complexity LDPC Code Decoders for Next Generation Standards
T. Brack, M. Alles, T. Lehnigk-Emden, F. Kienle, N. Wehn, N. E. L'Insalata, F. Rossi, M. Rovini , L. Fanucci. In Proc. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), April, 2007, Nice, France.
Turbo-Codes vs. LDPC Codes (invited Talk)
F. Kienle, T. Lehnigk-Emden, T. Brack, M. Alles, T. Vogt, N. Wehn. Workshop on VLSI-Architectures for LDPC Decoders, October, 2006, Pisa, Italy.
Design of Irregular LDPC Codes for Flexible Encoder and Decoder Hardware Realizations
F. Kienle, T. Brack, N. Wehn. In Proc. 2006 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), pages 296-300, October, 2006, Split, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
A Synthesizable IP Core for WIMAX 802.16E LDPC Code Decoding
T. Brack, M. Alles, F. Kienle, N. Wehn. In Proc. 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2006, September, 2006, Helsinki, Finland.
Enhanced Channel Coding for OFDM-based UWB Systems
T. Brack, F. Kienle, T. Lehnigk-Emden, M. Alles, N. Wehn, F. Berens. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), pages 255-260, September, 2006, Waltham, USA.
Performance and Complexity Analysis of advanced Coding Schemes in the 4MORE Project
T. Lehnigk-Emden, T. Brack, M. Alles, N. Wehn, M. H. Hamon, P. Penard, R. Legouable, F. Berens. In Proc. 15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, June, 2006, Myconos, Greece.
Disclosing the LDPC Code Decoder Design Space
T. Brack, F. Kienle, N. Wehn. In Proc. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), pages 200-205, March, 2006, Munich, Germany.
From Algorithm to Implementation: A Case Study on Blind Carrier Synchronization
D. Schmidt, T. Brack, U. Wasenmüller, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 4, pages 313-318, September, 2005, Miltenberg, Germany.
A Configurable IP Core for Combined Blind Frequency and Phase Synchronization of MPSK Bursts
T. Brack, U. Wasenmüller, N. Wehn. In Proc. 14th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, June, 2005, Dresden, Germany.
A synthesizable IP Core for DVB-S2 LDPC Code Decoding
F. Kienle, T. Brack, N. Wehn. In Proc. IEEE Conference Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), pages 1530-1535, March, 2005, Munich, Germany. Distinguished with the "CMP Design Contest Award".
Design Space Exploration for Frequency Synchronization of BPSK/QPSK Bursts
U. Wasenmüller, T. Brack, D. Schmidt, N. Wehn. Advances in Radio Science, Volume 3, pages 337-341, October, 2004, Miltenberg, Germany.