Dr.-Ing. Gautam Gala


Phone:+49 (0)631 205 2715
Fax:+49 (0)631 205 4199



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Building 12, Room 568
67663 Kaiserslautern




  • Gautam Gala, Gerhard Fohler, Daniel, Gracia Pérez, Claire Pagetti, Distributed Real-Time Architecture for Mixed-Criticality Systems, Chapter 9. Resource Management Services, CRC Press, 1 edition, Hamidreza Ahmadian, Roman Obermaisser, Jon Perez, ISBN 9780815360643 - CAT K346883, August 2018.
  • R. Obermaisser, M. Abuteir, H. Ahmadian, P. Balbastre, S. Barner, M. Coppola, J. Coronel, A. Crespo, G. Fohler, G. Gala, M. Grammatikakis, A. Larrucea Ortube, T. Koller, Z. Owda, and D. Weber, “Architectural style,” in Distributed Real-Time Architecture for Mixed-Criticality Systems (H. Ahmadian, R. Obermaisser, and J. Perez, eds.), ch. 2, pp. 7–78, CRC Press, 2018


  • Gautam Gala, Tilmann Unte, Luiz Maia, Johannes Kühbacher, Isser Kadusale, Mohammad Ibrahim Alkoudsi, Gerhard Fohler, and Sebastian Altmeyer, "Safety-Critical Edge Robotics Architecture with Bounded End-to-End Latency" in the 3rd International Workshop on Real-time Cloud Systems, 2024, Lille, France.
  • Allan Valle, Gautam Gala, and Gerhard Fohler, "Work in Progress: Memory Bandwidth Manager in gem5 for Mixed-Criticality Applications", Work-in-progress (Poster), 36th Euromicro conference on Real-time systems, Lille, France.
  • Antonio Savino, Gautam Gala, Marcello Cinque and Gerhard Fohler, "Multicore DRAM Bank-& Row-Conflict Bomb for Timing Attacks in Mixed-Criticality Systems" in 27th IEEE International Symposium On Real-Time distributed Computing (IEEE ISORC), 2024, Tunis, Tunisia. Best Paper Award.
  • Gautam Gala,  Isser Kadusale and Gerhard Fohler, "Joint Time-and Event-Triggered Scheduling in the Linux Kernel", Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time applications (OSPERT) 2023 workshop co-hosted with 35th Euromicro conference on Real-time systems.
  • Isser Kadusale, Gautam Gala and Gerhard Fohler, "Energy-aware Time- and Event-triggered KVM Nodes", Real-time Cloud (RT-Cloud) 2023 workshop co-hosted with 35th Euromicro conference on Real-time systems.
  • Gabriele Monaco, Gautam Gala, and Gerhard Fohler, Shared Resource Orchestration Extensions for Kubernetes to Support Real-Time Cloud Container, 26th International Symposium On Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'23), Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  • Giorgio Farina, Gautam Gala, Marcello Cinque, and Gerhard Fohler, Enabling memory access isolation in real-time cloud systems using Intel’s detection/regulation capabilities, Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023.
  • Gautam Gala, Carlos Rodriguez, Gabriele Monaco, Javier Castillo Rivera, Gerhard Fohler, Veaceslav Falico and Sergey Tverdyshev, "Monitoring Framework to Support Mixed-Criticality Applications on Multicore Platforms" in 25th Euromicro Conference on Digital Systems Design (DSD) 2022.
  • Gabriele Monaco, Gautam Gala, and Gerhard Fohler, "Extensions for Shared Resource Orchestration in Kubernetes to Support RT-Cloud Containers" in ECRTS Real-time Cloud (RT-Cloud) 2022 workshop.
  • Giorgio Farina, Gautam Gala, Marcello Cinque and Gerhard Fohler, "Assessing Intel's memory bandwidth allocation for resource limitation in real-time systems" in 25th IEEE International Symposium On Real-Time distributed Computing (IEEE ISORC), 2022.
  • Gautam Gala and Gerhard Fohler, “Safe and Secure Global Resource Management for Real-Time and Mixed-Criticality Systems” in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO), November 2021.
  • Gautam Gala, Javier Castillo Rivera and Gerhard Fohler, "Work-in-Progress: Cloud Computing for Time-Triggered Safety-Critical Systems" in 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), December 2021 RTSS_WIP.mp4
  • G. Gala and G. Fohler, “Distributed decision-making for safe and secure global resource management via blockchain: Work-in-progress,” in 2020 International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT), pp. 28–30, IEEE, 2020 Video
  • G. Gala, G. Fohler, P. Tummeltshammer, S. Resch, and R. Hametner, “RT-cloud: Virtualization technologies and cloud computing for railway use-case,” in 24th IEEE International Symposium On Real-Time distributed Computing (IEEE ISORC), IEEE, 2021 Video
  • Gerhard Fohler, Gautam Gala, Daniel, Gracia Pérez, Pagetti, Claire, Evaluation of DREAMS resource management solutions on a mixed-critical demonstrator, ERTS 2018, 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2018), Toulouse, France, January 2018.
  • G. Durrieu, G. Fohler, G. Gala, S. Girbal, D. Gracia Pérez, E. Noulard, C. Pagetti, and S. Pérez, “DREAMS about reconfiguration and adaptation in avionics,” in ERTS 2016, (Toulouse, France), Jan. 2016
  • Gautam Gala, Thomas Koller, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Gerhard Fohler, Christoph Ruland, Timing Analysis of Secure Communication between Resource Managers in DREAMS, 1st Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems in conjunction with RTSS 16, November 2016.
  • Thomas Koller, Gautam Gala, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Christoph Ruland, Gerhard Fohler, DREAMS: Secure Communication Between Resource Management Components in Networked Multi-Core Systems, IEEE Conference on Open Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Best Paper Award, October 2016.


  • G. Gala (eds.), G. Fohler (eds.), S. Barner, A. Diewald, R. Obermaisser, T. Koller, D. Gracia Pérez, B. Nikolic, M. Coppola, M. Grammatikakis, A. Crespo, J. Coronel, K. Chappuis, G. Bouwer, G. Klaes, J. Perez, and A. Larrucea, “White paper on mixed-criticality research and innovation”, (G. Gala, G. Fohler, eds.) Sept. 2017. Available: White paper on mixed-criticality research and innovation