Operating Systems WS 20/21

General Course Information:

An operating system is software, which allows the operation of a computer. It provides the use of hardware to application software without detailed interaction with hardware. The course gives an introduction into basic concepts and services of operating systems. Topics include processes and threads, synchronization and mutual exclusion, deadlock, scheduling.


W. Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles

(German issue: Betriebssyteme. Funktion und Design)



  • Monday, 12:00-13:30, starting October 26th


  • Monday, 12:00-13:30


  • 11-207



  • Tuesday 12:45-13:30
  • 11-207
  • Dipl.-Ing. Florian Heilmann


WS20/21 exam:

  • Date: 08/04/2021
  • Time: 08:00h
  • Location: Building 42-115

Exam information can also be found in KIS.

Exam guidelines

Information for WS 20/21

More information can be found in KIS.

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For more information about exercise appointment and download material please use OpenOLAT.

OpenOLAT access

The first lecture will take place on 26th October. To be able to access the lecture documents, please register, using the "Enrol as Participant" section on the left using your rhrk email adress only.

Any student signed up for the course with a non-RHRK eMail address will be removed from the course after 26th October!